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Pensacola, FL


Leading the way...

What does that mean?


Think about being a Cub Scout or a young athlete on a sports team.  You came to den meetings or went to practices and did a lot of different fun things.  But who decided what to do and who planned the activities?  The Den Leaders and Coaches, right?


There is one thing that makes Scouting different from all other youth groups.  Do you know what it is?


Well, it’s not the uniform.  Every soccer, basketball and lacrosse team has a uniform.  It is not the fun activities.  There are a lot of other things that are fun.  And it certainly isn’t cleaning dirty pots and pans on a campout!

What makes Scouting special is YOU make the decisions!


That’s right!  YOU run the troop.  Baden-Powell made it very plain in Aids to Scoutmastership when he wrote,


“The best progress is made in those Troops where power and

responsibility are really put into the hands of the Patrol Leaders.”


This is real decision making power and it's not just Patrol Leaders. All of the troop leadership positions have a hand in making the Troop run. As a troop leader you will:


                                    Plan and run troop meetings,

                                    Pick troop outings, where to camp, what to do,

                                    Plan advancement opportunities for all troop members

                                    Select High-Adventure programs

                                    Determine troop policy

                                    Help other Scouts along the trail to Eagle.


Sound cool? It really is! The adults are there to provide support but YOU will be making the decisions.


Because being a leader is more than just sewing a patch onto your uniform.  We have put together job descriptions for the troop leadership positions. They will give you a good idea of what each job is all about and what you will be required to do.


Here's how to be considered for a position. First read the job descriptions, qualifications, and job

responsibilities. Then decide what you want to do and talk it over with your parents. You can also talk it

over with other Scouts who have served in that position. Finally, get a troop job application form, fill it out,

have your parent(s) read and sign it and turn it in.


So, are you ready to "Lead the way"? We sure hope so!

Troop 608 Leadership Positions

Click on the patches below to learn about the qualifications & responsibilities for each position.

Senior Patrol Leader Patch.jpeg
Asst Senior Patrol Leader Patch.jpeg
Quartermaster Patch.jpeg
Patrol Leader Patch.jpeg
Asst Patrol Leader Patch.jpeg
Den Chief Patch.jpeg
Chaplain Aide Patch.jpeg
Scribe Patch.jpeg
Troop Historian Patch.jpeg
Troop Guide Patch.jpeg
Instructor Patch.jpeg
Librarian Patch.jpeg
Webmaster Patch.jpeg
Bugler Patch.jpeg
Outdoor Ethics Guide Patch.jpeg
Junior Asst Scoutmaster Patch.jpeg

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